Drake Marine Engineering - Directory

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Drake Marine Engineering

Contact: Joe Drake
5 Mohune Way WEYMOUTH Dorset DT3 4NG Phone: 07542 185454 Website: https://drakemarine.engineering
Photo of Drake Marine Engineering


Joe Drake provides custom engineering solutions to aid accessibility for boaters. The main focus is to be able to make items for each individual’s needs. This includes the design work, as well as gathering feedback on certain items in order to develop the designs further. The end goal being products that the customers want rather than what a supplier thinks they want!

Most ideas for items have come from trying to make his dad’s boat more accessible for him as his Parkinson’s progresses. So far, he has made simple things such as lightweight engine hatches, custom steps and handrails, handles etc. He has also worked on more intricate projects, such as a tool to tension mooring lines without knots, manipulation of vibrations from engines to aid cramps etc, and a bed that folds to allow someone to sit down on it then lie down as opposed to just getting straight in.